My Blog is like a sound check. And I don’t really like being limited. I need space and time on stage to express myself, so it’s my story.
Der Swiss Blues Award 2024 geht an JUSTINA LEE BROWN

Kraft ihrer Musik ist es Justina Lee Brown gelungen, ihr hartes Leben als Strassenkind im Ghetto von Lagos, Nigeria, hinter sich zu lassen. Mit Blues, Soul, Funk und viel afrikanischen Einflüssen kreiert Justina einen mitreissenden, eigenständigen Sound, der es ihr erlaubt, ihre sehr persönlichen Texte emotional auszuleben.
Musikalisches Feuerwerk
Mit ihrer Schweizer Band gewann sie 2019 die Swiss Blues Challenge, avancierte im Januar 2020 in Memphis an der International Blues Challenge zum Publikumsliebling und erreichte die Halbfinals, und toppte diese Erfolge im Mai 2022 am europäischen Blues-Summit im schwedischen Malmö mit dem hervorragenden zweiten Rang. Dass Justina Lee Brown nicht nur auf der Bühne ein musikalisches Feuerwerk zu zünden versteht, offenbart sie auf ihrem eindrücklichen neuen Album «Lost Child».
“It Cost Me 15 Years” Nigerian Singer, Justina Lee Brown On Her European Domination And NGO on

Now almost two decades and two studio albums later, Ogunlolu, now domiciled in Europe has morphed into an Afro Funky, Jazz, Blues and Soul singer, leaving the label of an emerging Afrobeats diva in the distant past. According to Ogunlolu, now known as Justina Lee Brown– a name that has graced several auditoriums, amphitheatres and stages in Europe, this had been a long time coming as she’d always nurtured a deep love for the Blues and the aforementioned genres, even making songs in that line. Interestingly, in 2005, during a visit to Switzerland, she’d met a Bass player named Dean Zukeru who’d helped her set up her first band named The United Nations after serendipitously happening to sing live with them at a club. Back home in Nigeria, she’d however been advised to pay attention to the pulse of the market and had as a result put out singles like “Na Me And You” among others before hitting it big with “Omo 2 Sexy”.
Justina Lee Brown, soul singer making Nigeria proud in The Diaspora on

Justina Lee Brown, soul singer making Nigeria proud in The Diaspora
Her powerful vocals and dynamic stage presence have captivated audiences in prestigious venues and festivals in Switzerland, Germany, the UK and several other countries earning her a reputation as one of the most exciting talents to emerge from Nigeria in recent years.
Justina Lee Brown’s music seamlessly blends African lyricism with western-leaning global sounds, creating a unique and captivating musical experience for listeners worldwide.
The singer, who was the second runner-up in 2006’s Nokia First Chance Reality singing competition, went on to deliver a smash hit titled ‘Omo 2 sexy’ in 2008 under her first name ‘Justina’, in the then Nigerian music industry that was heavily dominated then by the likes of Tuface, 9ice, Mo’ Hits Crew, Terry G among several others.
Justina Lee Brown, Making Nigeria Proud In Diaspora on

Justina Lee Brown, Making Nigeria Proud In Diaspora – New Telegraph (
Her powerful vocals and dynamic stage presence have captivated audiences in prestigious venues and festivals in Switzerland, Germany, the UK, and several other countries earning her a reputation as one of the most exciting talents to emerge from Nigeria in recent years. Justina Lee Brown seamlessly blends African lyricism with Western-leaning global sounds, creating a unique and captivating musical experience for listeners worldwide.
The singer, who was the second runner-up in 2006’s Nokia First Chance reality singing competition, went on to deliver a smash hit titled ‘Omo 2 sexy’ in 2008 under her first name ‘Justina’, a sensual Afro-pop song that rocked the waves in the then Nigerian music industry that was heavily-male dominated by the likes of Tuface, 9ice, Mo’ Hits Crew, Terry G among several others.
53. Jazzwoche Burghausen: Justina Lee Brown

53. Jazzwoche Burghausen: Justina Lee Brown | KONZERTVIDEOS | BR-KLASSIK | Bayerischer Rundfunk
Am 20.03.2024 spielte die nigerianische Sängerin Justina Lee Brown bei den 31. Rother Bluestagen in der Kulturfabrik. Foto: Tobias Tschapka
Die Rheinfalz: Justina Lee Brown hat den Blues
Lost Child on Jazz’n’More
JAZZ’N’MORE: Im Herbst 2019 erschien dein aufsehenerregendes Album ”Black & White Feeling”. Nun steht die Veröffentlichung des Nachfolgers ”Lost Child” an. Wie hast du die vier dazwischenliegenden Jahre erlebt?
Justina Lee Brown: Das Album ”Black & White Feeling” war für mich wie eine Erlösung, ein Geschenk, eine Heilung. Ich war unsicher, ob ich fähig sein würde, nicht nur auf der Bühne, sondern auch auf einem Album meine Schmerzen und meine Gefühle ausdrücken zu können. Ich war glücklich über die Reaktion der Leute, denn es war mein erstes offizielles Soloalbum. Will heissen: komplett mit eigenen Songs.
Musikalisch in jene Richtung weisend, in die ich schon immer gehen wollte – Soul, Blues, Funk, Afro! Ich war ein wenig nervös, machte mir Sorgen. Was würden wohl meine Bluesfans, was meine Afro-Community davon halten? Würden sie meine Musik akzeptieren? Rückblickend weiss ich, ich habe es richtig gemacht, das Album hat mir Selbstvertrauen gegeben. Wir waren begeistert über den Erfolg – die Konzertanfragen purzelten nur so herein. Und dann, von einem Moment auf den anderen: Corona. Dies raubte uns für mehr als anderthalb Jahre die Möglichkeit, mit unserer Musik auf die Bühne zu gehen.
“Lost Child” Album Release

For the past three years, Justina and her band have been on the road to present their album BLACK & WHITE FEELING. Now they’re ready to kick off their upcoming tour with the CD release party of the new album LOST CHILD.
Justina Lee Brown (born Justina Ogunlolu) is an award-winning Nigerian Afro, Funk, Soul and Blues artist, songwriter and entertainer.
As a child, she struggled to survive on the streets of Lagos with her teenage mother. Music gave her the strength to overcome poverty.
She rose to fame in Africa and the young pop star won the ‘WOMEN IN ENTERTAINMENT AWARD’ in London as ‘BEST AFRICAN VOICE’ in 2009, before touring Europe and Nigeria for years with various projects, leaving the audience speechless but immensely happy and euphoric with her powerful voice and energetic show.
Together with her great band, Justina Lee Brown won the Swiss Blues Challenge in 2019, made it to the semi-finals of the International Blues Challenge in Memphis, USA in 2020 and won the second place for Switzerland at the 2022 European Blues Challenge in Malmö, Sweden.
She was also nominated for the the 2022 Swiss Blues Awards and finally was the opening act with her band for ZUCCHERO at the Sierre Blues Festival the same year.
Swiss Blues Award Nominee, 2022
Justina Lee Brown and Hendrix Ackle are contenders for the Swiss Blues Award.
The expert jury nominated two musicians with close ties to Baden for the nationally important award. This is awarded annually to people or institutions in Switzerland who have made outstanding contributions to the blues scene as artists or sponsors.
Two Days of Blues In Madlen

The time has come. Today, Friday, and tomorrow, Saturday, the bass guitars are pounding again in the Madlen cinema theater, the drums set the rhythm, the guitars howl and great voices can be heard. Blues is hip. And all friends of this down-to-earth music genre will make a pilgrimage to Madlen in Heerbrugg to attend the Blues im Madlen festival .
Afro fusion with a touch of blues, soul and funk
First act tonight will be Justina Lee Brown and Band. A fantastic artist and a power singer.
Justina Lee Brown faced the hard fight for survival as a street child in Lagos/Nigeria and made it onto the stages of Europe with her extraordinary voice. As a performer a true power house, as a musician a mercilessly talented singer with a phenomenal voice! Their concerts leave no one untouched. You have to experience their explosive performances with their Afro-funky soul!
Justina Lee Brown wins the Swiss Blues Challenge

The 9th final of the Swiss Blues Challenge took place for the 5th time as part of the Summerblues Festival in Basel, on June 28, 2019.
The winner of the Swiss Blues Challenge 2019 is Justina Lee Brown and her band ( Nic Niedermann, Angelo Signore, Thom Wettstein und Robert Mark).
The singer and songwriter from Nigeria, who has now lived in Switzerland for several years, won her place among the 3 other finalists, who also deserve congratulations: David Minster, Steve Hophead and Enrique Parra & Max Dega Band.
Justina Lee Brown and her group will represent Switzerland at the European Blues Challenge which will take place in Malmö, Sweden on June 3 and 4, 2022, and if they wish at the International Blues Challenge , in Memphis from January 28 to February 1, 2020.
We extend our sincere thanks to the members of the Jury under the direction of Rolf Winter: Robert Amsler, Martine Henriod, Dylan Karlen, Thomas Slavicek and Tanja Wirz.
And thank you also to the whole team of the Summerblues Festival , who every year organize the Swiss Blues Challenge in a perfect way!
Concert Series in the Lottstetter Engelscheune

Numerous visitors quickly filled the restaurant and realized that the amiable Justina has music and rhythm in her blood. The Blues Queen also expressed visual elegance in the black mini shiny overalls, fishnet stockings and high heels. In her performance, every movement fit the beat and she quickly created a great atmosphere. Every visitor somehow kept up with the beat, even the nimble service staff danced and rocked behind the counter to the rhythms of funk, soul and blues.
“No Woman no Cry” or “The Lion sleeps tonight” were just a few of the numerous musical highlights. With “Pata Pata” the African joie de vivre spilled over onto the “pale faces”, who were completely over the moon. “She has a tsunami voice,” shouted a compatriot of the singer into the microphone, who came from Zurich and gave a spontaneous singing performance himself. “That’s my music, I’ve never heard anything better in Lottstetten,” enthused Fredi Nussbaum from Lottstetten.
Meet Justina Lee Brown

Born and raised in Lagos, Nigeria, Justina Lee Brown struggled to survive as a child living in the ghetto of Ajegunle and Kirikiri. As heartbreaking as her childhood may be, to this day it makes her the daring and creative woman she is. Justina did not let her past slow her down, on the contrary, it inspired and encouraged her to succeed.
The singing started off as a way to kill time on the street as a child while helping her mother sell “ice water” in the Udo market in Lagos. People rapidly started to notice her and gave out tips to encourage Justina to continue. Knowing her voice brought happiness to passing strangers filled her with joy. A sense of purpose appeared in Justina, she saw an escape out of her misery into a new and alluring world. Through thick and thin, music kept her company whether it was a small melody playing in her head or her emotions taking control of the lyrics like ink flowing on paper. When admiring her ascension onto the stage from Nigeria to Europe, you may ask yourself what the key to her success is. The answer from Justina herself: “Honesty, Truthfulness, and Kindness are the food every human soul needs.”. These inspiring words show not only the kind-hearted person she is, but they are also to be taken as advice to follow your dreams through selflessness and creativity.
Switzerland is at the top of the European class

Even in the hour of success, Justina Lee Brown, who was born in Lagos, Nigeria, and grew up in poor conditions, remains humble: “I am incredibly happy with what we have achieved. Happy and grateful to the people who have welcomed us and our music so well. I’m in no way disappointed that I didn’t take the first place.”
The requirements were not easy. Each band was only given 20 minutes to convince the international jury of musicians, radio broadcasters, journalists, and bookers of their skills. Among 23 formations from just as many countries, the Swiss sextet stood out with its exciting mix of blues, funk, soul, and African influences. Only the young Dutch Harlem Lake Band managed to outperform our Swiss participants.
Blues Festival Baden

Cristina Elena Helfer from the Bluesfestival Baden marketing team had the opportunity to have an exciting conversation with Justina Lee Brown for you . But we would like to start this article with a little reference to one of our location partners, the ClubJoy in Baden.
Even if the jam session of the blues festival weren’t taking place there – by the way, that’s always on Thursday during the festival week – there is also a direct connection to Justina Lee Brown at this location.
Nic Niedermann and his band “Rotosphere” have been there since the first festival. They were probably the most flexible and largest band of the festival because they were the hosts for the jam sessions. At first they performed with their/our guests in the casino and heated it up so much that a fire broke out in the second year, the casino had to be cleared – and Montreux says hello…
For a few years now, the jam sessions have been at home at Joy. Nic Niedermann also organizes concerts in different styles every Thursday throughout the year. And this is where Justina Lee Brown met Nic – and so the circle closes again on the topic of today’s contribution to the virtual Blues Festival Baden 2020.
Justina Lee Brown: Music, Love & Unity

Q&A with West Africa singer/songwriter Justina Lee Brown – living her life and telling her real story through her music
“Activism is an act we all should carry every day until every human is in peace with love in this beautiful world of ours. When I have a chance to change something to become better, I take the chance and that is my inspiration. (Doing and not just complain about anything.)”
Her sound is interpreted with funky soul blues and a fusion of her Afroroots. On stage Justina is a power house and a force of greatness that is truly authentic. During her performances she brings the real magic of music to life, packed with her identity and uniqueness. Justina Lee Brown released her new album “Black and White Feeling” (2019) which focuses on her truth, Passion and her Life as it is now. All composition, lyrics and arrangement of all songs on this album is by Justina Lee Brown together with Nic Niedermann, guitarist, composer and producer from Switzerland. Justina Lee Brown has been Touring the world over a decade now, discovering and finding her true purpose in life with her MUSIC. Justina lives for ” Love, Unity in Equal Rights for all Humans “. Her passion to help children and less privilege survive is unstoppable.
European Blues Challenge

Up to 24 European nations will be participating in this years challenge. Amongst them, Switzerland confirmed its presence, represented by Justina Lee Brown, a Nigerian Afro Funky /Soul Blues artist, Songwriter/Composer, and Entertainer. After winning the competition in Switzerland she was nominated to participate in the finale of the competition, her talent and creativity are what got her to the podium. The European Blues Challenge had been cancelled due to the covid-19 in March but has now been postponed to this June.
Justina had participated in the International Blues Challenge in 2020 where she finished as a semi-finalist with her band after having won the Swiss Blues Challenge in Basel in 2019. This amazing achievement helped her become a true sensation in the USA where she later on sold out every ticket to her shows in 2020. Her accomplishments do not stop there, after having been awarded the “The Women in Entertainment Award” for “Best African Female voice” in London.
If you wish to learn more on Justina Lee Brown and her musical accomplishments look her up on her CreativInn Showroom.
Keeping Blues alive in song and our hearts, over the years the International and European Blues Challenge.
Justina Lee Brown: Interview by Michael Limnios

Justina Lee Brown, a singer/songwriter from west Africa is a survival child from the ghetto streets of Lagos, Nigeria, living her life and telling her real story through her music. Justina is one of Nigeria’s most promising new talents. She started singing as a child (in church choirs amongst others). Her star qualities were first officially recognized when she emerged as the first runner-up at the Nokia First Chance music competition in Nigeria in 2007 this was fast followed with bold steps at the industry when she dropped her first ever single which formally brought her to limelight in 2008 A newcomer to many people, Justina is an old pro when it comes to being a live performer. Internationally, she has graced stages in Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Austria, UK and Kenya (in Switzerland she also fronts a cover band called The United Nations) and has developed into a charismatic, confident live performer who amazes audiences with her boundless energy and her creativity. Live and on record, her powerful and versatile voice perfectly complements her music, a modern and original mix of Soul and Rhythm & Blues, not forgetting a generous helping of her strong stage performance and presence.